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RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2  pISSN: 2249-2194

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Review Article
Arhanth Kumar*,1, Shreevathsa .2,

1Dr. Arhanth Kumar A, Associate Professor, Department of P.G Studies in Samhita and Siddhanta, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka, India.

2Department of P.G studies in Samhita and Siddhanta, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding Author:

Dr. Arhanth Kumar A, Associate Professor, Department of P.G Studies in Samhita and Siddhanta, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka, India., Email:
Received Date: 2023-06-16,
Accepted Date: 2023-11-04,
Published Date: 2023-12-31
Year: 2023, Volume: 10, Issue: 2, Page no. 29-36, DOI: 10.26463/rjas.10_2_9
Views: 736, Downloads: 14
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

Literature is the paramount strength of Ayurveda. Huge literary data are available in manuscript centres across India and overseas. Meanwhile, Ministry of AYUSH, CCRAS, Ministry of Culture and other funding agencies are motivating Ayurveda research scholars to review and research on extensive Ayurveda manuscripts. During this significant time, concerned personnel should be prepared with vital requisites in terms of expertise, tools, advancements, etc. As of now there is no proven or standard guidelines to perform literary research on Ayurveda manuscripts. Many scholars who are well versed or exposed to Ayurveda manuscripts follow their own methodology. These methodologies may not be applicable for all Ayurveda manuscript research projects. Hence there is a need for standard protocol development. Shodashanga data template is a distinctive template developed exclusively for Ayurveda manuscript studies. Here criteria are set, mainly based on 16 specialities of Ayurveda followed by critical analysis aspects under different headings. Contents of any Ayurveda manuscript can be collected and arranged based on this Shodashanga data template. Based on the entry in the template, even critical analysis of many manuscripts can be done simultaneously. Altogether, Shodashanga data template is an effective tool to perform manuscript literature studies in a reasonably effective way in Ayurveda fraternity. 

<p>Literature is the paramount strength of Ayurveda. Huge literary data are available in manuscript centres across India and overseas. Meanwhile, Ministry of AYUSH, CCRAS, Ministry of Culture and other funding agencies are motivating Ayurveda research scholars to review and research on extensive Ayurveda manuscripts. During this significant time, concerned personnel should be prepared with vital requisites in terms of expertise, tools, advancements, etc. As of now there is no proven or standard guidelines to perform literary research on Ayurveda manuscripts. Many scholars who are well versed or exposed to Ayurveda manuscripts follow their own methodology. These methodologies may not be applicable for all Ayurveda manuscript research projects. Hence there is a need for standard protocol development. <em>Shodashanga </em>data template is a distinctive template developed exclusively for Ayurveda manuscript studies. Here criteria are set, mainly based on 16 specialities of Ayurveda followed by critical analysis aspects under different headings. Contents of any Ayurveda manuscript can be collected and arranged based on this <em>Shodashanga </em>data template. Based on the entry in the template, even critical analysis of many manuscripts can be done simultaneously. Altogether, <em>Shodashanga </em>data template is an effective tool to perform manuscript literature studies in a reasonably effective way in Ayurveda fraternity.&nbsp;</p>
Shodashanga data template, Literature research, Ayurveda manuscript, Critical analysis
  • 1

Literary research (LR) is a prime research area which mainly enhances the existing understanding of knowledge. It is a part of qualitative research mainly targeting an issue with futuristic approach. An effective and well conducted literary research creates a firm foundation for advancing the knowledge and facilitating theory development.1 Among various methods of literary research such as Theoretical research, Historical research, Interpretative research etc., Literature research is gaining popularity. Most of the time, Literary research and Literature research are considered as synonymous. Even though they seem to be same, there is a slight difference between them. Always Literature research will be an object for Literary research.

Premier source for Ayurveda Literature research are manuscripts which are existing in various sources such as manuscript centres, traditional houses, monasteries, mutts, temples, orthodox families, etc.2 Recently necessary steps were taken even at government level to preserve and perform research on these manuscripts. To lay down the importance of research on manuscript, a separate topic named ‘Manuscriptology’ was also assigned under literary research for first year postgraduate Ayurveda scholars.3 Beside these, National manuscript mission (NMM) was established by Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Government of India to unearth and preserve vast manuscripts in India. Further to highlight the importance of manuscripts, Bharatiya Kriti Sampada of NMM quotes, ‘Save past for the future’.4 Alongside, various funding agencies such as Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), Ministry of Tourism and Culture, and Universities are funding manuscript research works. During this significant time, concerned personnel should be prepared with vital requisites in terms of expertise, tools, advancements, etc. for conducting literature research on manuscripts. At present, there are no proven or standard guidelines to perform literature research on Ayurveda manuscripts. Many scholars who are well versed or exposed to Ayurveda manuscripts follow their own methodology. These methodologies may not be applicable for all the Ayurveda manuscript research projects. Hence there is a need for standard protocol development which will be applicable for all Ayurveda manuscripts. Shodashanga data template is a distinctive template developed exclusively for Ayurveda manuscript studies.

Objectives of the study

To develop Shodashanga data template for manuscript literature studies in Ayurveda.

Data Template

Data Template (DT) is a technical document which is developed for systematic arrangement of structure and contents of multiple literatures together. Usually, DT are used in all kinds of qualitative research.5 This DT is important for a researcher to find, compare and to interpret the basic and idiosyncratic features of multiple literatures. DT provides detailed information similar to master chart in statistics and helps the researcher to conclude the study.

Importance of DT in literature research

• DT helps to collect basic data of all literatures in the same platform.

• Methodical categorization and presentation of data is possible by DT.

• DT assists to generate quantitative and qualitative data.

• As data of all literatures are juxtaposed, it becomes very easy to compare.

• It becomes a base for analysing textual data.

• Hierarchical coding is possible by DT for ensuring highest priority to a particular literature after comparing.

• DT helps for textual criticism which includes both higher and lower criticism.

• DT helps to perform an edition or critical edition of the literatures or manuscripts.

Shodashanga data template is a unique literary tool to collect, organize and interpret the literary information present in single or multiple Ayurveda manuscripts. It is constructed based on Shodashanga hridaya, Dvividha prayojana, Dasha prakarana and technical-general aspects. As this template was mainly constructed based on Shodashanga hridaya concept, it was named as Shodashanga data template. It comprises of four aspects.

a. Ayurveda concepts

b. Maintenance of health

c. Disease management

d. Critical analysis

Any Ayurveda literature data which is traced in the manuscript can be entered in the DT and used for interpretation. On the left side, various items are set and on the right side sufficient space is provided to fill the information in coded format against the items. Data template can be used to fill the coded information up to six manuscripts and it is useful for the critical analysis of same. ‘Ayurveda Concepts’ criterion comprises of six items such as Maulika siddhānta, Śārīra, Dravyaguṇa, Bhaiṣajya Kalpana, Rasaśāstra and general concepts. This criterion mainly focuses on fundamentals of Ayurveda. Further under the ‘Maintenance of Health’ criterion, six items are set such as Dinacarya, Ṛtucarya, Vega, Sadvṛtta, Swasthavṛtta and any other. Focal point of this criterion is overall health sustaining strategies. Under the criterion, ‘Management of Diseases’ ten items are set such as Nidāna, Kāyacikitsā, Mānasaroga, Rasāyana, Vājīkaraṇa, Viṣavijñāna, Śalya, Śālākya, Kaumāra bhṛtya and Prasūti- strīroga. Theme of this criterion is various disease managerial drugs and procedures. Lastly under ‘Critical Analysis’ criterion, total thirteen items are set such as punctuation, abbreviation, colophon, illustrations, decorations, corrections, marginalia, type of text, handwriting, scribal error, grammar, date and history and any other.

Shodashanga DT is directing towards the methodology of any Ayurveda manuscript study and it can be systematically used in four steps, such as Ontological identification, Grouping, Data template entry and Data template interpretation.

Step 1- Ontological identification: Ontological words are to be systematically identified or selected based on four criteria. They are:

1. Ṣhodashanga hṛdaya which includes Maulika siddhānta, Śārīra, Dravyaguṇa, Bhaiṣajya kalpana, Rasaśāstra, Nidāna, Kāyacikitsā, Swasthavṛtta, Mānasaroga, Rasāyana, Vājīkaraṇa, Viṣavijñāna, Śalya, Śālākya, Kaumārabhṛtya and Prasūti-strīroga. 6

2. Dvividha prayojana (Maintenance of health and disease management).7

3. Daśa prakaraṇa [10 Contexts- such as Śarīra (Body), Vṛtti (Food), Hetu (Etiological factor), Vyādhi (Disease), Karma (Treatment), Kārya (Health outcome), Kāla (Season and Stage of disease), Kartā (Physician), Karaṇa (Medicine) and Vidhi (Procedure)].8

4. Technical and general usage of language, style of writing, etc.

Step 2- Grouping:

All key words, subheadings and subtopics present in the manuscript which are identified or selected should be arranged or grouped in a chronological order of their importance.

Step 3- Data template entry: After grouping the epistemological key words, sub headings and sub topics, they should be entered in DT. Responses should be documented through numbers/ abbreviations/ marks/ signs according to key words, sub headings and sub topics. Once all information of literatures are entered, it is used for further process. Some common techniques/ patterns can be used in data entry, such as-

• Context is documented first followed by information.

Ex: If Hetu explained for Rajayakṣma is very unique, it should be entered as Raj-P-Un (Raj= Rajayakṣma, P= Present, Un= Unique information). Later the unique information is documented.

• Multiple entries are allowed against each item.

• Descriptive responses should not be entered. If required, it should be given in note after the template or it should be entered under remarks section

• New abbreviations or marks or signs or numbers can be generated if needed. 

Phase 4- Data template interpretation: Interpretation of each manuscript should be done within the literature and between the literatures also. Following measures should be adopted.

• All the data with respect to each key word are to be considered for interpretation.

• Each literature is compared with classical literature of Āyurveda to determine the original source of information (If required).

• Interpretation can be done from history, language, script and other technical point of view.

• Interpretation can also be done by applying basic statistics if required.

• Each literature’s focus is determined.

• Each literature’s contribution level (high or moderate) is also revealed through this interpretation.


Shodashanga data template is a unique literary tool to collect, organize and interpret the literary information present in single or multiple Ayurveda manuscripts. This DT is mainly constructed based on Shodashanga hridaya concept, hence named as Shodashanga data template. It comprises of four aspects, such as Ayurveda Concepts, Maintenance of Health, Disease Management and Critical Analysis. Any Ayurveda manuscript information can be fed and analysed based on four steps which includes Ontological identification, Grouping, Data template entry and Data template interpretation. Altogether, Shodashanga data template is an effective tool to perform manuscript literature studies in a reasonably effective way.

Conflict of Interest


Supporting File
  1. Snyder H. Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. J Bus Res 2019;104:333. 
  2. Narayana N. History of manuscriptology: study of medical manuscripts. Bull Indian Inst Hist Med Hyderabad 2005;35(1):61-76. 
  3. CCIM. Syllabus for post graduate course in Ayurveda [Cited May 29, 2023]. Available at: 
  4. Bharatiya Kriti Sampada [Internet]. National manuscript mission [Cited May 29, 2023]. Available at: 
  5. Brooks J, McCluskey S, Turley E, King N. The utility of template analysis in qualitative psychology research. Qual Res Psychol 2015;12(2):202-222.
  6. Sharma P. Shodashanga hridayam. Second edition. Chapter 1/16-18. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Bharati Academy; 2002. p. 5.
  7. Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita with Ayurveda Dipika commentary. Edited by Yadavji Trikamji Acharya. Chapter 30/26. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan; Reprint 2020. p. 187. 
  8. Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita with Ayurveda Dipika commentary. Edited by Yadavji Trikamji Acharya. Chapter 30/32. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan; Reprint 2020. p. 190.
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