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RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2  pISSN: 2249-2194

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Review Article

Shirvadkar Divyashree M1 , S G Chavan2 , Prashanth A S2

1: PG Scholar,

2: Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubli, Karnataka

Address for correspondence:

Shirvadkar Divyashree M


Received Date: 2020-05-28,
Accepted Date: 2020-07-10,
Published Date: 2020-07-30
Year: 2020, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Page no. 41-45, DOI: 10.26715/rjas.7_2_8
Views: 3073, Downloads: 69
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

Ayurveda is attracting global attention due to its holistic approach in the treatment of disease and with minimal adverse drug reaction. Aushadha is very important as it is responsible for alleviation of disease as well as the safeguarding and endorsing wellbeing. Kashaya means distortion of the original form of Dravya and making it suitable for use. Kalpana (formulations) is a method/ process of preparation of medicines by using either a single drug or a combination of several drugs. In Ayurveda, Panchakarma therapy is used for the maintenance of health and eradication of diseases from their root and Nasya Karma is one among them. Naasa is the gateway toShirasand is the shortest and nearest route to take out the morbid doshas .The Panchavidhakashayakalpanas are; Swarasa(juice), Kalka(paste), Shrita(decoction), Sheeta(cold infusion) and Phanta (hot infusion). The usage of these Kalpanas in Nasya karma will be dealt in this article.

<p>Ayurveda is attracting global attention due to its holistic approach in the treatment of disease and with minimal adverse drug reaction. Aushadha is very important as it is responsible for alleviation of disease as well as the safeguarding and endorsing wellbeing. Kashaya means distortion of the original form of Dravya and making it suitable for use. Kalpana (formulations) is a method/ process of preparation of medicines by using either a single drug or a combination of several drugs. In Ayurveda, Panchakarma therapy is used for the maintenance of health and eradication of diseases from their root and Nasya Karma is one among them. Naasa is the gateway toShirasand is the shortest and nearest route to take out the morbid doshas .The Panchavidhakashayakalpanas are; Swarasa(juice), Kalka(paste), Shrita(decoction), Sheeta(cold infusion) and Phanta (hot infusion). The usage of these Kalpanas in Nasya karma will be dealt in this article.</p>
Aushadha, Panchavidhakashayakalpana, Nasya karma
  • 1


Ayurveda focuses mainly on Trisutra (Hetu, Linga and Aushada) and Aushadhais one of the most essential factors in bringing Dhatu to Samyata or normalcy.Bhaishajyakalpanais the most important pillar of Ayurvedic therapeutics. According to ancient classicsCharaka Samhita, there are four aspects of Ayurvedic therapeutics i.e.Vaidya (Doctor),Rugna (Patient), Paricharaka (paramedical staff) andAushada (Medicine). Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana are the basic formulations from which other compounds are prepared. These Kalpanas help in curing many ailments.Kalpana is the modificatory procedures/ Samskara carried out to increase the potency of the drug, to enhance the shelf life of the drugs, to improve the palatability and to fulfill the patient’s compliance.

The word Kashaya means ‘Ka’: denotes kaya / shareera(body);‘Sha’: denotes functions.;‘Ya’: denotes regulation or Yantra (control or to sustain)1 . Literally, the word Kashaya means that which brings about normalcy to the body by maintaining equilibrium of physiological factors by removing pathology.

Acharya Chakrapani explains Kalpana means “Kalpanamupyogartha prakalpa namsans karanmiti”2 is the procedure/modification through which a substance/raw drug is transformed into a range of medicinal forms. Samskarasare adopted for a drug to enhance its qualities for better therapeutic activity.


•  It is the basic formulation to extract the Aushadha from crude drug.

• It increases the potency of medicine.

• It makes the medicine durable and palatable

• It removes the toxic effect of medicine by purification (shodhana karma).


• mode of preparation

• palatability

• degree of absorption,dose & consistency

• adjuvant with which the drug is administered.

• route and time of administration

Panchavidhamkashayakalpanamititadhyta-sw arasahkalkahshritahsheetahphantahkashayai ti||3

The Panchavidhakashayakalpanas are; Swarasa (juice), Kalka (paste), Shrita(decoction), Sheeta (cold infusion) and Phanta (hot infusion.)

The factors to be assessed for administration of these kalpanas are sharirabala, agnibala,Vyadhiavastha and Vyadhi bala. Depending upon the panchabhautikatvaof the drug, type of kashayakalpana will be decided. Swarasa is jalamahabhutapradhana, Kalka is Pruthvi Mahabhutpradhana, KwathaAgni Mahabhutpradhana, Hima/PhantaVayu & AkashaMahabhutpradhana.4

Naasa has been considered as the gateway of Shiras.Shiras being the prime seat of knowledge and also the prime controller of the entire body has been termed as Uttamanga. Hence, the diseases occurring in the Urdhwajatru have been very clearly highlighted in the Ayurvedic classics along with their management.Nasya therapy i.e.nasal route drug administration is a promising alternative route of drug administration for local, systemic and central nervous system action.Naasa is considered to be that indriya whose functions are not only limited to respiration but is also considered as a pathway for drug administration.


“Naasa hi shirasodwaram”5

Ashtanga Sangraha kara explains Naasa is the gateway toShirasand is the shortest and nearest route to take out the morbid doshas.The drug administered through nose as Nasya reaches to the brain and eliminates only themorbid doshasresponsible for producing the disease. The karmukata of Nasyais explained very effectively as the nasyadravya given through naasareaches the Madhya bhaaga of shira,shringataka. Then, it spreads in all the areas doing nirharana of the vitiated doshas from naasa,shira,kantha,netra and karna.

The usage of these panchavidhakashayakalpanas in Nasya karma is explained as follows :-


Charaka Acharya explains the following yogas for nasya in Raktapitta.6

• The swarasaof the beeja of Amra or swarasa of Samanga and Dhataki

• Mrudwikaswarasa

• Ikshuswarasa

Sharangadhara explains GudaardrakaNasya in Nasyavidhi chapter. Gudaand shunthi or pippaliand saindhavaare taken and macerated well with water and used as nasya in case of akshi, karna, nasa, shiro, manya, hanu, gala, bhuja, prustharogas.7

The swarasaof lashuna or palandu or grinjanam(carrot) should be used as Nasya. In the same way, shwetachanadana should be rubbed with streedugdha and the swarasa extracted should be used for Nasya karma.8

Also, Sushrutha has described the swarasa extracted from the patra of the dravyaslike talishapatra, tamalapatra, surasa(tulasi), arjaka;twak of ingudi,meshashringi;pushpa of matulunga, murangi, peelu, jaati; saara of shala, taala, madhuka; niryasa of laksha, hingualong with lavana , madhya, goshakrit rasa and Gomutra can be used for shirovirechana.9


• Kalka is prepared out of Madhukasara (pith of madhuka tree),krishna,vacha,maricha,sain dhavalavana and the swarasaobtained from this should be made warm and instilled into the nostrils restores consciousness in cases of apasmara,unmada,sannipata and apatantraka.10

• Nilotpalapushpa,gairika,shankhabhasma,shw etachandana are made into kalkawith sitajala& theswarasa is extracted through clean cloth is used as Avapidanasya in Raktapitta.11

• According to Acharya Charaka,kalka is prepared out of saindhavalavana,danti, maricha, tulasibeeja, pippali, karanjaphala, vidanga and the swarasa extracted through this is used for nasya in kushta.Thisyoga in indicated in krimikustha and is kapha nashaka.12

• Yogaratnakara has explained ksheeranagaranasya in shiroroga chikitsa adhyaya. Nagarakalka should be added to ksheeraand used as nasya. It relieves shirashoola originated from multiple doshas, which are severe in nature.13

• Also, Trikatvadi Kwatha prepared from trikatu, pushkaramoola, haridra, rasna, devadarua nd ajamoda explained by yogaratnakara should be used as nasapana. It relieves all kinds of Shirorogas.14


• Also, Charaka has explained in the 4th chapter of Sutrasthana i.e Shadvirechanashatashriya Adhyayaregarding the shirovirechanopaga mahakashaya-Jyotishmati, ikshvaku, maricha, pippali, vidanga, shigru, sarshapa, apamargatandula, shweta and mahashweta aparijata which can be used as Nasya.15

• Kwatha is prepared out of masha, atmagupta, rasna, bala, rubuka, rohisha, ashwagandhaand hingu and saindhavalavana are added to it. This medication is used for nasya karma and relieves pakshaghata associated with kampa,ardita,manyastamba and apabahuka.16

• Pathyadi Kwatha prepared from triphala, haridra, guduchi, bhunimbatwak along with a little amount of guda should be used for Nasapana. It relieves bhru, shankha, karna, netra and ardhavabhedaka.17

Himakalpanaand Phantakalpana are mainly indicated inVamana and Virechana karma.No such references of Himaand Phantakalpana are available for Nasya karma.


Panchavidhakashayakalpanas are the basic formulations in Ayurvedic pharmaceutics from which various upakalpanas and secondary preparations are made. Kashaya means distortion of the original form of Dravya and making it suitable for use. The selection of the kashayakalpanas for treatment purpose depends on various factors like Roga-RogiBala etc. All kalpanas are aimed at isolation of suitable active principles through different media intoacceptable form with increased shelf life, palatability, easy dispense, easy administration,dosage fixation.

While prescribing Panchavidhakashaya kalpana, Guru and Laghuta should be considered because Swarasa contains all Sara (essence) of drug as it doesn’t come in contact with Agni also the kalkaand becomes much heavier for digestion. It should be given to person possessing Pravara Bala and having Pravara Vyadhi if not it produces the effect similar to the effects produced by Atiyogaof Bheshaja.

The Swarasa possess more Gurutva (heavy for digestion) than Kalka followed by Kwatha, Hima and Phanta which means the magnitude of the medicine of the preceding form is greater than succeeding one. Therefore, it is important to know the action of Guru and LaghuGuna on the body and the application of these Panchavidhakashayakalpanas in Nasya Karma.

Nasyadravya reaches the brain and acts on important centers controlling different neurological, endocrine and circulatory functions and thus showing systemic effects.Following things should be considered in case of drug used. PH &osmolarity& concentration of drug used are important factors for absorption of drug through nasal passage.


The branch of BhaishajyaKalpanais contributed to aid the physician to utilize this Bheshaja in various forms and styles to fight the disease. To complete the needs of all time availability, easy dispensing, palatability etc a number of kalpanaswere developed. But the base of all these were embedded in five basic kalpanas only.Panchavidhakashayakalpanas and Panchakarmaare the basic pillars of Ayurveda. As the sharira comprises of the Panchamahabhutas, these Panchavidhakashayakalpanas helps in curing many ailments, provided if they are prescribed in right way considering many factors, if not, may lead to complications. According to Ayurveda, nose is gateway to shiras. Nasya Karma is the process which eliminates the vitiated doshas of the urdhvanga ensuring the smooth functioning of the brain and ultimately whole body. Hence, Panchavidhakashaya kalpanas should be used for Nasya karmaby Yuktiof Vaidya and assessing Balaof Atura and Vyadhi as well.

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1. Dr P.V.N.R Prasad, Bhaisajya KalpanaVijnana, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy.

2. Acharya YT, Chakrapani, Sutrasthana – Chapter 4/7, Caraka Samhita, Reprint, Varanasi: Chaukhamba SurabharatiPrakashan; 2011.Page No.31.

3. Vd. Harish Chandra Singh Kushwaha,Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda-Dipika’s Ayusi Hindi Commentary, Reprint Edition 2016, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Vol 1, Sutrasthana, Chapter 4, Verse 7, Page No. 58.

4. Dr. ShobhaHiremath,A text book of Bhaisajya kalpana, Sixth Reprint 2011, Nandi Process publications, Bangalore,Chapter 9,Page no 82.

5. Prof. K. R. Srikantha Murthy, Ashtanga Sangraha of Vagbhata, Reprint edition : 2017, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Volume 1, Sutrasthana,Nasya VidhiAdhyaya, Verse 2, Page No. 511.

6. Vd. Harish Chandra Singh Kushwaha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda-Dipika’sAyusi Hindi Commentary, Reprint Edition 2017,Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Vol 2,Chikitsasthana,Chapter 4,Verse 99-101,Page No. 155.

7. Prof. K.R.Srikanta Murthy, Sharangadhara Samhita by Sharangadhara, First edition : 1984, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Uttarakhanda, Chapter 8, Verse 18-19, Page No.225.

8. Vd. Harish Chandra Singh Kushwaha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda-Dipika’s Ayusi Hindi Commentary, Reprint Edition 2017, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Vol 2, Chikitsasthana, Chapter 17, Verse 131, Page No. 466.

9. Dr. Anantram Sharma,Sushrutha Samhita of Maharshi Sushrutha, Sushrutha Vimarshini Hindi Commentary, Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashan, Varanasi,Vol 1, Sutrasthana, Chapter 39, Verse 6, Page No. 308.

10. Prof. K.R.Srikanta Murthy, Sharangadhara Samhita by Sharangadhara, First edition : 1984, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Uttarakhanda, Chapter 8, Verse 20, Page No.225.

11. Vd. Harish Chandra Singh Kushwaha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda-Dipika’s Ayusi Hindi Commentary, Reprint Edition 2017, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Vol 2,Chikitsa sthana, Chapter 4, Verse 99-101, Page No. 155.

12. Vd. Harish Chandra Singh Kushwaha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda-Dipika’sAyusi Hindi Commentary, Reprint Edition 2017, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Vol 2, Chikitsa sthana, Chapter 7, Verse 48, Page No. 204.

13. Dr. Madham Shetty Suresh Babu, Yoga Ratnakara, first Edition :2008, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, Uttarardha, Volume 2, Shiroroga chikitsa Adhyaya, Verse 72, Page No. 1083.

14. Dr. Madham Shetty Suresh Babu, Yoga Ratnakara, first Edition :2008, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office,Varanasi, Uttarardha, Volume 2, Shiroroga chikitsa Adhyaya, Verse 79,Page No. 1084.

15. Vd. Harish Chandra Singh Kushwaha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda-Dipika’s Ayusi Hindi Commentary, Reprint Edition 2016, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Vol 1, Sutrasthana, Chapter 4, Verse 8-27, Page No.58.

16. Dr. Madham Shetty Suresh Babu, Yoga Ratnakara, first Edition :2008, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, Purvardham, Volume 1, Vata vyadhi chikitsa Adhyaya, Page No.619.

17. Dr. Madham Shetty Suresh Babu, Yoga Ratnakara, first Edition :2008, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, Uttarardha, Volume 2, Shiroroga chikitsa Adhyaya, Verse 79, Page No. 1083.

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